
QR codes for rapid data verification

aCheck creates QR codes and accompanying web pages to compare documented data with original data. Scan the code in this image to try it now.

Scanning QR codes with a smart device
A medical report with an aCheck QR code

A medical report with an aCheck QR code

Enhance your document creation

A QR code for every document

Embed a QR code in every customer-issued document. We provide a unique, confirmation web page to support the document content.

Rapid web-based verification

Fast scan & compare

Scanned QR codes open aCheck's portal and displays data defined at the time of QR code creation. Any different between the document & the portal is easily established.

Scanning QR codes with a smart device

Scan QR codes with any internet-connected smart device

Seamless integration

Use our API or your own webhook

Easily integrate aCheck into your current workflow with our API. Prefer a response to your Webhook? No problem. Want both? We can do that.

Use cases

aCheck works with:

  • Competency test certificates

  • Technical drawings

  • Covid-19 test reports

  • Qualification certificates

  • Work permits

  • Event tickets

  • Product verifications

  • Asset management systems

  • Visitor id verification processes

  • Premises hygiene certifications

Take the aCheck tour

Intuitive and uncluttered user interface




100 QR codes per month



2500 QR codes per month



10'000 QR codes per month


10'000+ QR codes per month

£ let's talk


All plans include

- aCheck API
- Unlimited schemas
- Output QR codes to your webhook
- Duration or fixed date schema expiry
- 5 fields per schema
- Manual QR code creation
- Activity log
- Email support

aCheck bespoke

Make aCheck your own

We'd love to hear about your ideas for features and changes that would make aCheck the perfect solution for your business.

Thanks for your interest. We are currently in the process of building aCheck. Please leave us a message below and we will be in touch ASAP.